Let's cut straight through the B/S
Do you catch yourself Procrastinating or Experiencing Overwhelm in your Business, Relationships and/or being a "Man" aka the Provider?
How would your life change with High Level Accountability to Finish what you Start?
Do you feel Stuck in a Loop, a Rut or Stagnant with life?
Would Consistent Habits, Tools & Practices that Amplify Your Life and Relationships Allow you to Start Living Freely again?
Do you Lack Confidence with your Direction, Purpose or Just Feel Lost?
How would it Feel to Unlock Your Purpose, have Clarity in Your Direction and have a More Fulfilling, Meaningful & Impactful Life?
Do you use "vices" to numb, avoid, isolate or "sweep under the rug" your challenges?
How will it feel to Strengthen your Confidence AND Embrace Challenges/ Fears with Courage, Resilience and the Certainty that "you've got this"?
Do you feel like you're not "standing on your own 2 feet" with conviction?
It's time to CLAIM Life on Your Terms!
Success is sequential. It's when work ethic, a student mindset and sacrifice meet consistency & embracing failure and alignment of the heart. THEREFORE the game of life never ceases, and Success is your Lifestyle
~ Blase Grinner ~

What Will You Gain From This Experience?

Phase 1: Reset
Here we Re-SET your Honour code, which is your value system. ALL choices are made from your code. Direction/ Purpose/ Boundaries. The Re-SET (values) is the one of the two most important foundational building blocks for a man. This is done by uncovering WHO YOU REALLY, without job title, dollar figure in the bank. Beyond the Identity that’s been created out in society.
~ When a man knows who he truly is, coming form that place, his direction will be unwavered ~

Phase 2: Rebuild
With the confidence gained in YOUR CODE, we use that strength to cut through all the BS limiting beliefs, patterns and conditions that have held you back. A full Re-BUILD of a “champion” Mindset. Here we will flex the awareness muscle around language, intention and become vigilant of everything you consume and place into the world.
~ Rep after Rep. Building the Mind & Body to Live in the Life You Desire ~

Phase 3: Reclaim
You now walk & talk differently so it’s time for the King to Re-CLAIM his throne. Here you “roll the sleeves up”, taking aligned, committed action and testing in REAL-TIME your CODE & Mindset. Re-CLAIM control and leadership in all aspects of YOUR life, especially relationships & purpose.
~ Standing TRUE, on your own two feet, OWNING your voice, your thoughts, actions & emotions ~

Phase 4: Remodel
This is where your clarity in your direction is revealed. You will unlock what your purpose is here on this planet. With that KNOWING, we Re-MODEL your Vision. This is the second foundational block for a man, it is where you start to carve out you’re his-STORY. Setting structure & planning of a champion in place
~ Manifestation = Intention + Small Reasonable Actions – Attachment ~

Phase 5: LIVE
This is where you start to “lift the heavy weights” and build “stamina”. Here you will learn the system that every successful businessman, entrepreneur & athlete uses to not only ensure their “Purpose & Financial” aspects is flourishing, though also can be used with RELATIONSHIPS, HEALTH, SPIRITUAL GROWTH etc. Such people as in Steve Job, Michael Phelps, Opera and many others have used to create their success
~ Living Life on Your Terms ~
A space on the BlokesVenture 3 Day Retreat
Over 3 day & 2 nights disconnect from your role as a provider, while immersed in the natural beauty of the Sunshine Coast. You’ll journey through the “masculine” archetypical frameworks that are fused with the elements (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water & Love) to refuel & reconnect back to YOURSELF and YOUR role in the world at large. This is Adventure meeting “the work”!
The difference than all other "man coaches"?
"I have walked in your shoes, a decade in the construction industry".... "Most man coaches are NICE GUYS & won't GO THERE with you or themselves".... "I won't be your friend, I become your corner man"...

We live in a society where, as boys, we were bought up mainly by our mothers, creating a generation of NICE GUYS. Men who seek the approval of others. From Family. Friends. Partners. Society. Employers. Clients. Most man coaches are NICE GUYS & won't go there with you let alone themselves.
I have walked in your shoes, a decade in the construction industry. Bound by restrictions. Having constraints in how we act, think and talk. Until I said F%#K that. I broke free, and empower other men to Live the same.
The 1 on 1 coaching is called the "MindFit Gym" because I won't be your friend, I become your corner man. I don't seek your approval, I WANT YOU TO WIN, even if that means I have to get uncomfortable with you. I wish nothing more than to see every man on this planet LIVE LIFE ON HIS TERMS.
Claim Your Discovery CallAfter 10 years in the trade industry & 3 years case studying his clients, Blase noticed the common trends for all men across the board, developing the 3x month Mindfit Gym 1 on 1 Coaching; 5 Phase Method.
"Men, didn't know the importance of their Values, had limiting beliefs holding them back and were unsure how to voice, let alone action, what they truly desired in life.

ALL men wanted relationship guidence and a deeper connection with their partner, support in calling in their Queen or resilience in navagating a break up."
And, most importantly, Blase discovered that majority of his clients were men not living on Purpose. "They felt stretched, overwhelmed and procrastinated in day to life, as their heart wanted them to go one way, yet their life direction was taking them compleley on an opposite journey. They didn't have the personal tools, planning, structure or guidance to make such transitions."
Who is Blase Grinner?
Co-Founder; MAB Life Adventures
Experinetia Sunshine Coast & Conscious Man Brotherhood
Proud father of 3, Blase Grinner has passion for making the uncomfortable, comfortable. Raising "his greatest adventure yet" with his partner in life, fun & business Melinda.
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Hear the Results from Men who have entered the Mindfit Gym
Hear why men, like yourself have entered the Mindfit Gym. What they moved through and what they gained from the experience.
Practice over Perfection. Mindfit Gym; 5 Phase Method
- Live Life on Your Terms -
Hear from more Men who have been on the same journey!

Justin Dulihanty
Founder @ The Alpha Code Institute
A coaches ability to successful shift a client from self-destruction to self-empowerment require a unique set of skills. I deeply believe a man must walk through his own darkness to embody the lessons to lead another man to his own light. Blase is that man. He creates the safe and powerful space for men to crack themselves open to acknowledge, expose and live their truth. A man of wisdom, a genuine gift for all those who come into contact with him, let alone have the privilege to work under his care and guidance. I appreciate and love you, brother.

Paul Smith
Founder @ MENtool Freedom
Working with Blase showed me how much we all need accountability and we don’t always get that from our close circle. When we step outside of that and trust, listen and learn we can move forward with confidence.
Blase has a unique grounded, authentic way of bringing men together to create a space that encourages and supports you unconditionally. If you want to step forward he’ll have your back.

Jarrod Bremer
Ex-concretor, now travelling Australia facilitating workshops
I would like to share my gratitude for Blase as a man, as a brother and as my coach.
I signed up for Blase’s one on one coaching course 6 months ago the growth I've undergone in this time is phenomenal. I come to Blase to help me unlock my full potential.
I was drawn to him because of the massive heart he shows and the way he shows up in life. Being a concreter myself i could really appreciate where Blase has come from. His gift of being able to show you how to think in a different way is exactly what i needed. The skills I have and the tools I have now are incredibly amazing.
My awareness of my self and others has definitely made the biggest difference in my life..there is no situation I can't work through.
Not only did I have a coach for this duration I had a brother as well. Much love and respect for this man.. the doorways that have opened up for me and connection I have now have set me on a very powerful journey. If you are looking to take the next step , honour yourself and commit to Blase’s 1 on 1.
He is a true gift. Give this gift to yourself

David Andrews
Principal consultant @ Sandgate Advisors
Mindfit for me was genuinely eye opening. I always figured I had good self awareness but working with Blase I got to go deeper into my behaviours, attitudes and actions than I ever had before. I got ‘comfortable being uncomfortable’ and the freedom that way of being opens up is completely nuts. Want to really go deep into what you do and what’s holding you back? I can do that now in the moment not months down the track. It’s still uncomfortable but when you’re in that - that’s where you can change things. I’ve seen Blase Grinner do things and shine a light on people, actions and behaviours that I can’t even describe.
Step into Mindfit and you’ll have a guiding hand on your shoulder as you go wherever you most need to. It’s a camaraderie, security and sanctity that is difficult to describe but one that I trust without a need to ever question it. It just is. I don’t have “it” figured out but that’s not what this is about. What shifted for me was my thinking pattern. Drop me into any situation anywhere now and I’ll find a way through. Show me an income number you want to hit in a month and it’s now all about how to get there not about battling mental blocks on whether I’m deserving or that it’s not possible.
It’s not magic or a cult. It’s having a brother in your corner who listens and hears you and will find that one gold nugget in all of our collective BS that’s unlocks the core of what you need to do.
Step into it for yourself and those you love. They’ll see the benefits too.
"We don’t say MAN UP in the Mindfit Gym, we say STEP UP & STEP IN, step up internally and step in to the work. From one man to another, I'm proud of you for being right here, in the question of "Where do I go from here?".
" I've got you, YOU’VE GOT THIS! ~ Blase Grinner "

The Mindfit Gym: 5 Phase Method Details
WHERE: 3 Month 1 on1 Coaching program is online
RETREAT: Is on the Sunshine Coast
HOW: 7x One Hour Fortnightly Zoom calls (Zoom is a free video app)
EXTRA: Support accessible 24/7 via messenger + weekly check ins
WHAT: Mindfit; 5 Phase Method. Weekly personal growth & self-inquiry workouts/ assignments/ stretches set after each zoom call
PLUS: HIGH LEVEL Encouragement & Accountability to ensure you call in the life you desire
WHEN: Upon discovery alignment call/application
Claim Your Discovery Call
Claim Your Discovery Call